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Warrior of Light

Updated: Jan 11, 2021

It's Wednesday, December 30th. We've moved into a New Gene Key: 38; (Shadow)Struggle – (Gift)Perseverance – (Siddhi)Honour. A key point that Richard Rudd makes, is that it is important for our growth for us to struggle, however, it is not necessary for us to suffer; that, "even the most illuminated beings struggle, but they do not suffer as they struggle." Whew, huh?

How do you struggle, without suffering?!

One of my tools is essential oils.

For instance, did you know that ginger is considered an oil of 'empowerment'?

It assists individuals to take ownership of their life, rather than engaging in victim mentality. Empowered people take full responsibility for their actions and the consequences of their actions. No more blaming others.

One drop in boiling water, with a spoonful of honey and a little lemon juice (which holds sunny energy in and of itself!), is one of my favorite winter beverages.

Yes, full disclosure, I am a DoTerra essential oils consultant. I appreciate the fact that these oils are certified pure by a third party.

They are safe to take internally.

Recently, I also learned that a few drops of ginger oil added to a food grade carrier oil, makes for a lovely warming massage...

There are quite a few DoTerra products that I've found really useful - I love their On Guard cleaning concentrate. And these yummy lozenges!

Currently, I'm in love with cardamom.

This oil is so helpful with 'objectivity.'

Cardamom helps me with mental clarity, emotional balance, and self-regulation.'s delicious!

Right now, my favorite way to wake up is with a drop of this in a cup of hot tea, with some honey and almond milk. This is also support for:

Gate 38: Line 1- Qualification "Tempering opposition based on the circumstances. Exaltation: A psychic attunement that guarantees proper action. The psychic gift of knowing when and how to fight."

Whatever it takes to persevere, right? Because it does seem like things are starting to come to light!

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