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Writer's pictureAlice's SPACE


It's Sunday, April, 4th...Happy Easter! It's a '4' day, numerologically (stay open-hearted as you gather with loved ones); and a 'fruit' day, biodynamically. Tomorrow, we'll be moving into a 'root' day again.

The word 'surrection' is not in the wordgame dictionary, however, it means 'to rise' ...and would be worth 12 Scrabble points.Makes sense, since resurrection means 'to rise again,' and insurrection means 'uprising/rebellion.'

I 'rose up' at 2:00am when another influx of energy set my fire alarm off (all good - no fire, just a loud noise). I felt a bit like I was being electrified from the inside out.

The last time that happened was in 2018, when I received Q17. The energies that are coming in now are powerful, indeed!

As I walked through the gardens this morning, I considered our collective experience of Gene Key 51: Initiative to Initiation; (Shadow)Agitation-(Gift)Initiative-(Siddhi)Awakening.

I can tell you, I was certainly agitated at 2:00am, took the initiative to pull down the fire alarm and take it outside....and then? Went back to sleep. It was as I was drifting off that I felt the energy integrating. It wasn't until I awakened this morning, that I realized fully what happened....

It aligns with Cal's reflection for this week, and this scripture: ...suddenly there came from heaven a noise, like a violent, rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. (New American Standard Bible – Acts II; i-iv; the bold is mine...)

She further writes: "If in resurrecting himself Christ proved that it is possible to come back from the dead, his ascension showed us that for anyone who follows his example, it is also possible to leave this world and ascend to the higher levels without having to discard the physical body in the process. All of us have the inherent capacity to do this, but it is a birthright that only comes to life if we develop the Christed being within ourselves."

Are you ready for this 'Resurrection'? This Ascension?

It's an internal one, which requires Unconditional Love, an internal rebirth, and a reverence for this sacred experience of life.

It's also a lovely day to eat chocolate.

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