It's Tuesday, April 20; a '2' day (or '11' day) numerologically (time to be considerate of others!) and though it's still a 'leaf' day biodynamically at this moment, it will shift to a 'gray' period from tomorrow at 5:00am through Thursday 6:00pm.

Today I spent most of the morning and early afternoon 'grouting.' Turns out this is a good job to be able to (re-)listen to a variety of podcasts and interviews.
Then, after that clean-up, I finished assembling bridge #3. During this process, I zoomed with Z & C and came up with some solid insights for clearing:
The push for artificial timelines and non-organic agendas
Mob intimidation tactics

Personally, I hope that last one really clears a number of issues that are showing up for the collective, including:
The reasons for not getting this vaccine
How we have been held at a certain level of awareness of our place in the Universe.
What else might be cleared?
Who knows?

Maybe facts billed as fiction?
Fictions presented as fact?
Science without (con)science?
And so we reach this last day of Gate 3:
"(Left Angle Cross of Wishes)
Line 6 - Surrender The ultimate maturity to recognize when struggle is futile. Exaltation: As its light sustains, so life goes on. The innate acceptance that ordering is a process, not a problem."
Yeah, okay.
I feel like I've been through enough struggle.
I'm off to soak in a parasite detox bath...