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Writer's pictureAlice's SPACE

Real Ease

It's very early morning this Monday, November 30th. A Full 'Mourning Moon' in Gemini with a lunar eclipse at 4:30am. Whew!

Full moons are about releasing what no longer works...and because this one is in Gemini, seems that might include everything from one extreme to the other.

What has been showing up for you?

What are you ready to let go?

Some themes that have been showing up here are:

  • Ignorance as an excuse for carelessness ("I didn't know!")

  • Expectations around ritual celebrations/Holidays/worship

  • (Self-) imposed restrictions and distrust which creates barriers to receiving love and connection to others (and Source)

  • Unrecognized/unconscious control masquerading as love, safety, and caring.

  • Inability to reconcile new information with one's stance/belief-system.

  • Heart-Brain disconnect; escapism into logic/rational thought/the intellect, rather than acknowledging (painful) feelings

Did any of those resonate with you?

Being numerologically a '9' day and the last day of November also supports release, as does today's Gate 9: Line 4 - "Dedication; Regardless of the pressures or stress the disciplined attention to detail.

Exaltation: Right action that leads inevitably to actualization. The power to act on the potential of the focus. Detriment: The persistent urge to want to skip essential steps. The drive for action that ignores the details."

This Gemini moon (like two sides of the same coin) can illuminate shadows we weren't aware of (details, baby, focused details!), so we can appreciate them (contrast within unity, right?) and let them go. Undoubtedly, it will make these next few weeks easier to navigate - up until the Solar Eclipse on December 14th and the Winter Solstice.

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