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It's Monday, August 24th and I am back to painting. For me, with the Core Harmonizer running in the background, it's like a meditation, freeing my mind to contemplate what needs to emerge (from the Latin: 'emergere:' arise, bring to light).

We are in the middle of Gate 59.

With all of my own projects here, I'm plenty occupied. I have already done much shadow work and know about the deceit and dishonesty that has been going on...

Are you aware?

To the complete extent and degree?

I'm waiting for others to wake up - and practicing neutrality, patience, and unconditional love.

Fortunately, between the painting and the gardens, I have my hands full, so I'm not climbing the walls.

So, here are some gladiolas - August's flower!

And a dinnerplate dahlia - thank you, Carol!

It was so much fun to wake up this morning to see they had blossomed.

I took a quick break to run to the post office, where I had a short conversation with a nice guy in line, who told me it's courteous to wear a mask (I was not) - even though he admitted he was suffering. Really?! Is this true??

I found myself a little indignant (yes, I have more shadow-work around that default emotion!), because - is it kind to perpetuate a lie, when you know the truth?

Gate 59: Shadow: Dishonesty...

How long do we need to continue the charade?

This is when I am so grateful for various friends, who call & email to inform me how they are sharing truth, and their personal awakening experiences.

Like Janet, in Arizona, who visited the tachyon chamber last weekend. Her story was amazing and exciting.

I reminded her that although I would not be visiting Sedona anytime too soon, I have a Wilhelm Reich model Orgone Accumulator here at the Barn that works well - when I slow down and remember to use it! (Thanks, Dan!)

So - one foot in front of the other for right now. Choosing my focus: dahlias & glads, neutrality and truth.

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