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Laying Low; Aiming High

It's Tuesday, August 31st, 2021 (Happy Birthday, Owain!)

Biodynamically, it's a 'root' day; numerologically, it's an '8' day....get back to business!

So much has happened since I last wrote, I hardly know where to start today...

Maybe here:

Friday was both productive and fun... It was lovely to have Tony's birthday to celebrate!

Then - the Summer Event! I have to say- I am so grateful the weather was a bit cooler - even if it was a bit overcast.

This was a terrific chance to introduce folks to the Orgone Accumulator, The Cohere Mat, the BioMat, the Photon Beam Machine (thank you for sharing that, Tony!) and introducing Celeste for astrology, Elizabeth for art, and Barbara for palm reading...

There were numerous other opportunities, too, and the day ended with a fun talk around the fire pit with Ed Conroy.

Sunday was clean-up and recovery. Lots of clearing, too....

Monday was more clean-up and a bit of sauce-making and canning.

I also had a chance to read all of the lovely birthday cards - thank you, sweet people!

At one point I briefly wondered what Gate we were in (how interesting to notice how unpredictable I've gotten in that regard!) and realized that we are on "Gate 40.4 - Today, work and rest balance is key;

Line 4 - Organization Exaltation: The power to transform and the intuitive intellect to select and organize for the purpose of maintaining deliverance. The power of the ego when organized and active, to maintain seperateness."

Have I been following what's going on in the world? Not really; more of the same drama.

It seems that the energy of today's Gate is asking me to organize, separate, to maintain deliverance.

So, I am sharing this idea: we are in the process of creating radical change - and it's important to maintain the vision of what we do want!

That said, I'm off to prep for Saturday's Mind/Body/Soul Expo!

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Sep 05, 2021

Thank you, Alice, for a wonderful gathering Saturday, for the two Fun Fridays and the geomancy excursions I enjoyed so much. I met so many wonderful people and made new friends. Thanks also for the invitation to speak last Saturday. It was fun indeed! Hard to believe a week's gone by--I was starting to feel like a Vermonter. You and everyone made me feel right at home! Can't wait to return. Hope you had a great day at the Mind/Body/Soul Expo! Miss you all, much love to you all!

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