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In Like a Lion...

It's Monday, March 1st - new day, new week, new month. Funny that numerologically it's a '9' day, which is about wrapping things up and endings. Louise Hay says this number is about 'Humanity.' (Right now I had a 'squirrel' moment, as I do remember her name being Louise this another Mandela Effect?!)

Biodynamically, we are in a 'gray' zone. I usually consider these zones good for a fast.

We've also moved into Gene Key 63:

Reaching the Source

(Shadow)Doubt - (Gift) Inquiry - (Siddhi) Truth

Richard Rudd writes: "Doubt is born when you lose touch with the wonder of imagination, and confusion comes about when you rely too heavily on logic. Doubt is the beginning and end of the human journey. It leads to the Gift of Inquiry, which in turn leads to the discovery of the Siddhi of Truth, the final answer to all doubt" (Rudd, p.506)

"The Siddhi of Truth is everywhere. There is nothing that is not Truth (p.510).

"In a single sentence, Truth is the eternal moment of the universe" (p. 511).

So, where are you in this eternal moment?

Are you in (self-)doubt or suspicion?

Are you questioning? Living in the 'don't know'?

Are you realizing that truth is always included as part of this process?

This is where the Daily Gate breakdown can be so helpful!

Gate 63: Line 1 - Composure

"Exaltation: The quality of personality where achievement is accepted with equanimity and where continued development is allowed to take its natural course. Acceptance of achievement but doubt whether continued development will take place.

Detriment: The tendency in achievement to immediately seek new goals at the risk of destabilizing what has already been accomplished. The pressure in achievement to still doubt one's capacities and to immediately seek new goals."

I'm getting ready to pay some bills and run some errands. I kinda like the idea of living in inquiry:

What wonderful gifts might show up on my path? Whom might I encounter? What will I learn?

And....if this March is entering like a lion, do we have that leonine energy available until it leaves like a lamb?

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