I woke early this morning: Thursday, July 23, and savored the feeling of being. Here. Now.
This is not something that is necessarily easy to do...
Here are the things that made it easy for me.

1. Reading the quotes from "My Girls" in the UK.
The theme was maturity and I got such fun quotes: from OSHO to Mae West.
Sally also shared this quote:
" Emotional maturity occurs when we can express our true feelings, without need for reciprocation, validation, appreciation, or trepidation. Our feelings become companions and not enemies" L.A. Askew

2. Listening to an interview with Santa Surfing and Chris P.
This was really powerful.
Can you wrap your head around the idea that good things really are happening in front of our eyes?
I enjoyed hearing Chris mention a few names of people I admire, including Joe Dispenza.

3. Thinking about David E. Martin's ideas about the Golden Rule.
What is Transactional Morality?
What does the Golden Rule mean to you?
Listening to this conversation, I took a moment to really contemplate the idea...and then realized that I come from a place of being who I am, doing what I do without expectations from anyone other than myself.
My happiness is my responsibility...
This morning, the German proverb "Morgenstund' hat Gold im Mund," (The morning hour has gold in it's mouth) was really apropos. Kinda like my lucky little three-legged frog.
Gold seems to be the theme.
How will you make use of today's riches?