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Writer's picture: Alice's SPACEAlice's SPACE

It's Thursday, August 13th. I woke up early this morning to a shiver of New Energy. It felt exciting and expansive - and it was accompanied by prescience....

What is next?

While holding the sense of 'hurry up and wait' (very typical of my military experience) I'm also realizing that the gazillion things on my 'busy, busy, go-go-go' to-do list may not, in fact, get done by this weekend.

I thought I was ahead of the game at one point today. Every time I checked the clock, as I primed - it seemed like no time had passed at all!

It was when I finished listening to the entire MP3 player of music on the Core Harmonizer that I realized - the battery in the clock was dead! Yes, I laughed at myself.

Has that ever happened to you?

Have you ever been so 'in-the-flow' that you have just lost time?

I had taped, primed, spackled, and sanded for nearly 10 hours.

I was feeling quite pleased with my progress - and then got a call that some folks for this weekend's event were arriving tomorrow - instead of Saturday and Sunday. Wha....?!

As a HeartMath trainer, I know that stress is an internal response to external stimuli.

This is a lovely, welcoming space...and yet, right now? It's the middle of the 'during' phase.

It's not pretty.

It's stacked and piled and chaotic.

What a great opportunity for me, as a reformed perfectionist!

Rather than hiding behind the curtain, like the Great and Powerful Oz, I can let this process be transparent.

Change is sometimes messy.

Have you noticed?

How do you handle change?

Or messes?

Are you sensing anxiety or stress?

It's part of the 'House Cleaning' that is happening on the collective level, too.

We're not always aware of what is being cleaned up behind the scenes...we just sense the collective tension.

So, I will update my to-do list to prioritize and accommodate. I will practice some box-breathing: breathe in,2,3,4...and out, 2,3,4....

And then discard any illusion around what a 'perfect hostess' looks like!

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Aug 14, 2020

you crack me up! i must send a photo of my space- haha tables on top of tables - dressers in the middle of the room- i believe i can see the perfection of how it will look, so I am quite pleased with the mess because it represents the change in the air- Dear Alice - you just created a paradigm shift in how i perceive the chaos- BAM- chaos is the birth of order- OMG- I have been searching for this light to go off forever- THANK YOU ALICE- holy moly i just fixed a typo if you take out the C and put in a V. ALICE IS ALIVE!

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