It's Tuesday, July 21st and it was so lovely last night with the air cooling off!
This morning, when I opened windows upstairs, I paused and looked out. This is the view.

It was an interesting thing - to pause and really take the view in - especially since there wasn't such a great view: just the roofline, grapes...and a little bit beyond.
Mostly grape leaves, really.
Which led me to start thinking about how the views are so different from every angle.
And why different perspectives lead us to see more of the 'big' picture.

I immediately went downstairs to see how different it looked from another angle.
Would you have guessed?
The tables aren't even visible from the top.
The grapes aren't either. I was super excited to see so many grapes - especially since I pruned them back rather fiercely last fall.
(The birds and chipmunks seem to think I have planted everything exclusively for them!)

How about from the front - at a later time of day? This is a completely different view, huh?
Now, with the herb garden in front, the grapes and the arbor play more of a background role.
You might not even realize it's the same place, right? Isn't that fascinating?
I feel like this is why we really need each other. And all of our various insights.

Because they are called 'blind spots' for a reason. We don't even know what ours are, until we connect with someone else.
The more we can have a variety of perspectives, viewpoints, and angles represented, the more complete
the whole thing becomes.
And each piece may initially feel very different - until we see how they connect for a more comprehensive picture.
Do you acknowledge your blind spots? Is there someone you rely on regularly to help you see them? Are you open to new perspectives when they show up?
This is a great time to be willing to take a second and third look at things...maybe there are things we really haven't been able to see from all sides before now.