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Beauty and the Bees

It's Monday, May 24th. Biodynamically it started as a 'root' day...and we ended with a 'flower day. Numerologically, it's a '7' day, which is about spending some time alone in nature and admiring the beauty.

I started my morning with a taste of the honeycomb Brigham had brought by yesterday and listening to a lovely rendition of the song ' Deep Peace.'

It's a trick to stay balanced (Heart/Consciousness/Will/Body)...and I felt that I needed to set the tone for this day with real intention.

Needless to say, it was a joy to get out to the garden and transplanting.

I worked on cleaning out a few garden beds, amending soil, and getting tomatoes and eggplants in.

Around 3:30 I finally took a break and made a cup of tea. Heading down to sit next to the fire pit, I noticed this beauty...

As I sat quietly, I contemplated my next to-dos and then listened to this short clip about frequencies.

Nothing new for anyone working with Quantum, right?

Perfect for the Left Angle Day of

"Gate 20:Line 5 - Realism Contemplation, in and of itself, is no guarantee of success.

Exaltation: Where concentration on detail results in a perfected form. The success of expressing awareness through detail."

Was it the sweetness of the honey, the concentration on nature, or my appreciation of beauty that resulted in the perfected form of bees arriving?

Maybe a combination of the three?

I'm not sure...and yet I am so grateful!

Are you remembering that the frequencies of your thoughts are creative?

What might happen if we all became aware at once? Perhaps and 'Avalanche of Light'....?

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